Why convert film & tapes to dvd or digital format ?

The issue with old film is partially the film condition; but it’s also the projection process ! The biggest danger for your films is to be shredded by a deficient projector. Same applies to video tapes.

However time is still an issue. For say B&W films from before the 1940s are usually showing extensive decay; one sign being the vinegar syndrome.

How can I find out what kind of film I have?

Best option is to give us a call (0800 433456). However you can always refer to this Movie Film formats

Can I get a quote before sending my film?

Absolutely; we do encourage people to ask us. There is so many options that it would be too long to describe here.  We do have a base price for what we call a “flat pass” then we offer packages to suit what you want to achieve and of course the finance you can allocate to your project.

We also encourage people to visit us with their collection;

and we can scan a couple of small reels live !

I know of a company that is way cheaper ! how come ?

The typical inexpensive (or cheaper) services will run your reels in real time on a SD sensor or a video camera. It means that their hourly rates are just as much as ours. Their results are at best disappointing because they are using obsolete or improper gear (lens, sensor). They are selling you a photocopy explaining you that it is the best you’ll ever get. Some will genuinely believe it, others are perfectly aware of it !

What is your transfer process?

Forget about the obsolete Flashscans and other Tobin machines or real time telecine machine. They are a thing of the past. If a company is using them or off the wall projection with any cheap optical device, you will be bitterly disappointed.

Conversely to these cheap services, we do not extract a video; we do extract data from individual frames using high grade sensors and top of the line lenses and we record individual frames on high specs computers.

We sample films from 1400 pixels to 2300 pixels with resolution up to 3500 dpi !!! see below HD versus HR

HD versus HR ?

If the modern media technology was not confusing enough High Definition and High Resolution are not the same. Spatial Resolution is the ability to differentiate 2 small objects next to each other. High Definition is a format and is not a warranty of a High Resolution. On a super 16 mm we can see details the size of a blood cell (5 micro meter); that is High Resolution. Displaying it in 1080 on your TV is High Definition.

What is the best way to ship my film to you?

We must insist : courier with a signature. We will contact you at reception and your collection will go in a walk in safe until we start work.

What is the turnaround time on your orders?

Depending how busy we are; how much processing you need as we don’t do quick and cheap. Film Scanning is not making photocopies, it can be a long process. However we do keep our customers informed when films are getting scanned, colored, processed, exported and sent back by courier.

Do you perform all the work yourselves? Do you outsource any of it?

All of the work is done here. If we can’t do something we will refer you to people who can handle your case (example being Betamax). We don’t subcontract.

Does Film Transfer process “undeveloped” film?

We are working on it !!

Do you add music to your transfers?

NO ! Main reason is copyright. However you can record your own comments and we can add them.

Do you transfer sound?

Yes, magnetic and optical from film; not open reels

Frequently asked questions
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